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Channel Type

How you would like to connect

Updated over 3 weeks ago

You can add your preferred channel types here by selecting "Add contact details".

You can find more details on how to integrate Google Meet, Zoom and Microsoft Teams here. If they are an option for you, they will appear as shown below:

Clara will add your "call default" option to invites by default. On the example below, Clara would schedule phone calls by default.

However, if you prefer to use another channel type for a specific call, you can instruct Clara to do so in your initial email request. For example:

  • “CCing Clara to get a Google Meet on the calendar”

  • "Looping in Clara to schedule a phone call for us"

Please note, Clara will ask you for a group call option if there are 3 or more participants in the meeting if you do not have one available in your preferences. This can be Zoom, Google Meet, Teams or any other link that you choose to provide.

If you would still prefer a phone call for 3 or more participants, you can ask Clara to have them call you. However, Clara will not collect phone numbers from all participants for you to call.

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