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How Can I Check the Status of a Meeting?
How Can I Check the Status of a Meeting?
Updated over 3 months ago

You can find an overview of your meetings on this tab:

  • Status of meetings that haven't been scheduled yet

  • Upcoming meetings

  • Past and cancelled meetings

Weekly meeting summary
Clara will send a weekly meeting summary on Mondays to your inbox indicating the status of recent meetings. This setting is on by default.

Your email inbox
If your preferences under Updates & Visibility are set for your Clara assistant to BCC/CC you, you can search your email inbox with your participant's email address to view Clara's correspondence with them.

Invite a team calendar
You can ask [email protected] to have Clara invite a team calendar to all meetings you request and then search for the candidate's email address in the team calendar. This is especially relevant if you requested the meeting on behalf of others and are not attending the meeting (Since you are not an invitee, it will not appear on your calendar).

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